Series of Basic Guidelines for proper disposal of face masks mooted

Tons of face masks used to protect from COVID-19 pandemic are disposed of informally into the environment on a daily basis. As a result, urban canals and drainage systems become blocked, and these contaminate water sources, polluting water and harming aquatic lives. Also, face masks that are discarded improperly can affect the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Therefore, a programme should be prepared in this regard, said Parliamentarian Madura Vithanage at the Consultative Committee on Environment held in Parliament on Thursday (05).

The Chairman of the Consultative Committee, Minister of Environment Mahinda Amaraweera instructed the Secretary to the Ministry of Environment, Dr. Anil Jasinghe to explain the programme prepared by the Ministry of Environment.

The Secretary to the Ministry Dr. Anil Jasinghe stated that the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Health have taken steps to formulate a series of guidelines in this regard and the Central Environmental Authority has taken steps to implement such activities. In particular, the implementation of this series of guidelines will be done by the local authorities.

These disposable masks are collected by the local authorities along with the solid waste. But these face masks, which are used due to the COVID-19 pandemic, also contain pieces of plastic that are likely to take a long time to decompose. It was discussed at this meeting that it would be appropriate for the respective local bodies to set a convenient date for the collection of face masks and collect them separately.

Currently, the Central Environmental Authority (CEA) has issued a circular directing the removal of the two ear-mounted straps and the disposal of all face masks after washing and drying.

However, according to the new basic guidelines prepared jointly by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Health, the mask disposal programme will be formalized, he said.

The discussion was attended by the Minister of Environment Mahinda Amaraweera, Secretary Specialist Dr. Anil Jasinghe, officials of the Geological Survey and Mines Bureau, Central Environmental Authority and other institutions.

Saturday, August 7, 2021 - 01:00


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