Quarantine regulations reinforced to prevent COVID-19 spread - SDIG Ajith Rohana

Certain quarantine regulations have been reinforced from yesterday to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Police Spokesman Senior DIG Ajith Rohana said.

He noted that public events such as weddings and seminars etc. have been temporarily banned in order to prevent people congregating. “However, the registration of marriages could be carried out with the participation of just the bride and groom, parents of both parties, Marriage Registrar and the two witnesses,” he explained. A quarantine curfew has been enforced from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. starting from yesterday (16).

The Police will also be conducting frequent patrols and surveillance operations to monitor the situation.

Therefore, the Police Spokesman added that the public is kindly requested not to conduct any public events and to adhere to the quarantine curfew and refrain from getting on the streets during that time.

Further, members of essential services and their vehicles could move around during the quarantine period but the Police may request for their relevant documents to prove they have the approval to be on the streets during the quarantine period.

He also said that the provincial restriction order remains as it is and no one would be allowed to cross borders under any circumstances, except persons engaged in essential services.

“We have road blocks in place, motorcycle patrols and foot patrols at the entry and exit points of each province. Therefore, everyone should obey the quarantine orders and cooperate in order to bring the pandemic under control,” the Police Spokesman appealed to the public.

SDIG Ajith Rohana also said that they had received information on illegal movements of the public and sometimes some persons had used public transport up to the border of each province, cross the border and take public transport to the next province. Therefore, he said that stern action would be taken against such persons who illegally cross provincial borders and special police teams have been deployed to monitor the situation in uniform and plainclothes to gather information regarding such persons. He also said that 253 persons had been arrested for violation of quarantine laws such as not wearing face masks and social distancing etc. In total 54,612 persons have been arrested since October 30, 2020 to date. In addition, 2,411 persons and 1,220 vehicles had been checked at the entry and exit points to the Western Province, while 479 persons have been sent back and 361 vehicles have been turned back disallowing them to cross borders without a valid reason.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021 - 01:05

source https://www.dailynews.lk/2021/08/17/local/256866/quarantine-regulations-reinforced-prevent-covid-19-spread-sdig-ajith-rohana

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