Outrage on social media over UK Guardian quiz linking Sri Lanka, Eelam and LTTE

Social Media users in Sri Lanka expressed outrage after the UK’s Guardian website posted a quiz by mentioning ‘Eelam’ as an indigenous name of Sri Lanka, linking it with the Tamil Tigers terrorist group.

The travel quiz was themed “do you know your islands, Man Friday?” and was posted yesterday.

As its second question, the quiz asked, “Eelam is an indigenous name for which popular holiday island?

The four options to select from were, Isle of Man, Sri Lanka, Bali and Mauritius respectively.

When the answer Sri Lanka is selected, it showed a further description which said, “The full name of the island’s recent militant insurgency was LTTE – Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.”

Several people had taken to social media to demand the UK guardian website to remove the reference linking Sri Lanka to Eelam and the LTTE.

Meanwhile some have pointed out that Eelam was used as an ancient name for Sri Lanka but linking the answer with a terrorist group raises questions.


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