‘Covid-19 epidemic opens new vistas for SL’

Elderly Care and Medical Tourism sector:

The Covid-19 epidemic has opened new vistas for Sri Lanka in the Elderly Care and Medical Tourism sectors Western Health Care Founder Chairperson, Dr. Nilmini Withana said.

She said that the failure by developed countries to take medical precautions to tackle the covid-19 epidemic and keep the death rate low, has resulted in the senior citizens living in those countries having second thoughts in staying on.

Most of the affected and deaths from corona virus were senior citizens in Europe. This proves the medical system in those countries were not geared to tackle issues of this nature and in contract Sri Lanka has provided its medical care is above worked class. How successful was Sri Lanka had only 9 deaths from nearly 900 patients and this is a remarkable success and this speaks volumes of Sri Lanka’s medical capabilities.

When it comes to Aged Care and Medical Tourism they are endless. Senior Citizens have lost faith in their medical system and want to move away from these developed countries to Asia where the coronavirus death rate it low. Also the Asian humanity and the respect medical staff provides for ‘Elders’ is also highly known.

Sri Lankan government should now try to capitalise on this situation.

“Firstly the immigration laws to attracted Senior citizens and make Sri Lanka should be lowered. The government must agelessly promote ‘Make Sri Lanka Your Home’ and not ‘Sri Lanka your second home’

A campaign similar to ‘Sri Lanka Land Like No other’ launched by Sri Lankan Tourism should be launched when the negative impact of this epidemic fades away.

The Sri Lankan Embassies should play a lead role towards this campaign.

Similarly Sri Lankan Medical Tourism’ is a major attraction due to the cost effective and far superior medical facilities offered in Sri Lanka.

She said that Western Care Homes, managed by Western Health Care Pvt Ltd had already planned to invest Rs. 500 million to open Sri Lanka’s first purposely built elderly care village, in Nugegoda next year.

“We have already acquired one acre land in Nugegoda for this BOI e project which would be a BOI approved venture and we will now expedite it sooner than planned.”

“We have partner a Norwegian investor and other foreign partners for this project.”

This proposed ‘Senior Citizens Village and Wellness Centre’ would have a five storied complex built to international elderly health care standards offering 140 rooms and 20 luxury villa type individual units.

“We opened our Care Giver Training Center in 2012 and now we plan to affiliate this to a UK Training Institute which is already producing care givers for US and European markets.”

Western Health Care was founded 27 years ago is the only ISO Certified Care Home in Sri Lanka.

It now has Centers in Bambalapitiya, Pamankada, Kalubowila, Kohuwala and cares for both local and foreigners.

Withana won the Sri Lankan Business woman of the year 2018 (BWIO) and Nelson Mandela peace Award 2019 and also won the Best CEO of the Year, South Asia in Medical Tourism Sector in 2019 Kuala Lumpur. (SS)

Friday, May 15, 2020 - 01:00

source http://www.dailynews.lk/2020/05/15/finance/218563/%E2%80%98covid-19-epidemic-opens-new-vistas-sl%E2%80%99

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