More Sputnik V vaccines arrive

Another stock of the Russian COVID-19 vaccine Sputnik V arrived at the Bandaranaike International Airport yesterday morning, State Minister of Production, Supply and, Regulation of Pharmaceuticals Prof. Channa Jayasumana said.

The vaccine consignment of 65,000 doses consists of 15,000 second doses and 50,000 first doses of the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine developed by the Moscow-based Gamaleya Research Institute.

According to the State Minister, the 15,000-second doses will be given to those who have been given the first dose of Sputnik V from the earlier batch and the 50,000 first doses will be given to residents of Kandy District.

This is the third vaccine consignment delivered by the Russian Government in keeping with a purchase order placed by the State Pharmaceutical Corporation (SPC).

The Government has ordered 13 million doses of the Sputnik V vaccine and the first batch of 15,000 doses arrived in Sri Lanka on May 4. The second batch of 50,000 doses arrived on May 27.


Saturday, June 12, 2021 - 01:18


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