Geraldo Rivera joins fellow Fox News host Laura Ingraham in urging viewers to accept Trump's defeat, saying he can't 'continue denying the results of the election'

geraldo rivera donald trump
A composite image of Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera and President Donald Trump.
  • In a video posted on Twitter on Tuesday, Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera said he can't "continue denying the results of the election."
  • He said President Donald Trump's legal challenges are "totally ineffective" and that there's "no realistic prospect" they "will overturn the results of the election."
  • Fox News and the major networks called the 2020 presidential election for President-elect Joe Biden on November 7. 
  • Rivera's comments came a day after Fox News host Laura Ingraham made similar remarks, saying Trump's legal case is hopeless and Biden will be the next president. 
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Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera told supporters of President Donald Trump that the president's lawsuits are unlikely to change the results of the 2020 election in his favor, and it was time to move on. 

In a video posted to Twitter on Tuesday, Rivera said he knows many people "want me to continue denying the results of the election" but that he "can't do that."

"I think the legal challenges are basically, totally ineffective. There is no realistic prospect that any legal challenges will overturn the results of the election," Rivera said.

He went on to say that he understands why Trump is fighting the results for the election, "if not for this year, then for 2024 or with the Georgia runoffs," Rivera said — referencing Trump's reported desire to run for a second term in four years, and the two Georgia senate races that will determine whether Republicans hold or tie the Senate.

"But I do not believe there is any prospect whatsoever that any court in the land will reverse the results of this election," Rivera said. "This election is in the books. Fight on, support Trump and Trumpism going forward, but the election of 2020 is over."

Rivera's comments came a day after fellow Fox News host Laura Ingraham gave a similar statement to her viewers, saying that Trump's legal challenges to the election results are unlikely to succeed and that Joe Biden would be sworn in as the nation's 46th president of the United States on January 20.

"If I offered you a false reality, if I told you there was an excellent, phenomenal chance that the Supreme Court was going to step in and deliver a victory to President Trump, I would be lying to you," Ingraham said. 

Not everyone at Fox News appears to be as accepting of Biden's victory though. On Monday, Tucker Carlson went on a tirade about how mail-in voting was "not fair" and that the election had been "rigged towards one candidate."

Major news networks including Fox News projected Biden to win the 2020 presidential election on November 7.

Since then Trump has refused to concede to Biden, and has been contesting the results in several swing states. So far, Trump and his lawyers have won zero of the 22 lawsuits they have filed since Election Day.

Rivera appears to have personally accepted the results for some time. On November 12, he tweeted that Trump should "say goodbye with grace & dignity."

On November 17, Rivera also tweetedthat "while voting discrepancies & dubious counting methods continue to raise questions about the legitimacy of close counts in battleground states, nothing found so far affects the bottom-line outcomes anywhere," adding that so far, Biden is still the president-elect.

Though Trump has refused to admit defeat, he on Monday gave the go-ahead for the transition to the Biden administration to begin.

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